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Leaf cutter ants diet - leaf quarryman ants fare

01-02-2017 à 18:41:11
Leaf cutter ants diet
Most are manufactured in gongylidia—balloon-like clusters produced by the fungus, which the ants eat. They apply fertilisers to their crops, in the form of bacteria that provide nitrogen to the fungal gardens. De Fine Licht found that leaf-cutting ants have higher levels of laccase in their fungal gardens than other related species. Leafcutter ants have been doing the same thing for millions of years. When they first bring leaves to the nest, they deposit them at the top layer of the garden, where the fungus is at its thinnest, but the need for digestion is great. Located L eafcutter Ants are located in Southwestern United States, Central and South America. Leafcutter ants are often compared to farmers, and the analogy works on many levels. They also use pesticides— they grow antibiotic-secreting bacteria that disinfect the fungi of parasites or competitors. And just like saliva, they make it easier for fungi further down the nest to access the rich supply of nutrients inside the leaves.

Habitat L eafcutter Ants live in nests in forests and agricultural areas, mostly in tropical areas. But you can also think of the ants are a dispersed cow, a single plant-digesting creature made of millions of bodies. Neither ant nor fungus can survive without the other. How Leafcutter Ants Evolved From Farmers Into Cows. The enzyme is also particularly abundant at the top of the garden, acting as a first response to the influx of poison. Diet L eafcutter Ants cut pieces of leaves or grass with strong jaws, then use the plant matter to grow their own fungus which they eat. These sliced fragments are carried back to the nest and fed to a fungus, which the ants then eat. A busy highway of Atta cephalotes leafcutter ants, by Alexander Wild. Scientists have known about this practice since the 1970s, but Jacobus Boomsma from the University of Copenhagen has spent the last few years working out its details. Salivary enzymes also begin detoxify the poisons that plants use to deter hungry mouths. They ensure that the leaves start to decompose as soon as possible. They carry these enzymes to the top of the garden and excrete them onto the fresh leaves in faecal droplets.

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